Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021

On Tuesday, August 3rd, we went to McGovern Senior Center. One group worked on last weeks blog while the other group weeded, mowed, and weedwacked. In the morning, we played scattergories. In the afternoon we went to Aldi’s for lunch where Da’Janique and Marii bought 24 ice cream sandwiches. Then we went to Havenwoods State Park and talked about SMART goals, physical activity, and created a goal for our team. Afterwards, we went for a hike where we saw butterflies. One of them looked burnt. Then we danced on the deck. We saw a frog, too!

Wednesday, August 4th, 2021

On Wednesday, August 4th, we went to Florence Lambert Community Garden. We cleaned out the gutter on the rainwater harvesting system, fixed garden beds, weeded the pathway, and moved out rotting wood. Marii tried to sell his phone at lunch and bought a lot of stuff at Pick n’ Save. Then we went back to the office, and Damien led a resume and cover letter workshop. Elias and Todd won the first round of resumes, but everyone got a Groundwork Milwaukee tote bag and water bottle.

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

On Thursday, August 5th, we were at the office all day. In the morning, we finished working on blogs for the last two weeks. Then an artist came to talk to us! Afterwards, we saw before and after satellite images of places and played a map game. During our NASA meeting, we accidentally kept unmuting ourselves, and everyone could hear us. We accidentally deleted everyone’s stuff from the Jam Board, too. Ooops!

Friday, August 6th, 2021

It’s our last day! In the morning, we went to play basketball at Reservoir Park and found a stray dog. Then we went to Crossroads Collective and Mad Chicken for lunch. Afterwards, we went to the beach. We took photos by a Lamborghini and then the guy let us take photos inside! Later we found a wallet on the beach and recognized the guy on the ID. He gave us a football. Then we looked all around the beach for him but couldn’t find him. Right before we left we found him, gave it back, and he gave us $20!